They’re the Yorkshire Terriers of the vegetable world. Herbs may be small, but they make a lot of noise, nutritionally speaking. Indeed, if you want to do one thing to your diet to improve it fast, adding a handful of herbs to meals could really make a difference.

The reason is that herbs are packed full of so-called ‘volatiles’, essential oils with antioxidant, disease-fighting properties. While we’ve all heard about blueberries and their antioxidant power, a study, published in the Journal of Nutrition in 20003, found that herbs are actually higher in antioxidants than fruit, including berries, and other vegetables. You can tell this by just rubbing a lettuce leaf between your fingers. It goes sticky. Do this to a leaf of basil and you can smell the precious oil on your fingers.

These volatile oils have seen herbs prized for their medicinal properties for centuries. The Romans first discovered coriander and used it as a preservative. Parsley is an anti-bacterial. Mint tea is a digestive, common all across the Middle East to this day. Dill, another digestive, has long been used in gripe water for babies.

And, modern science is catching up. Research increasingly backs the use of herbs in protecting us against disease and easing some symptoms. For example, a recent study by the University of Adelaide demonstrated the effectiveness of mint in reducing the symptoms of IBS. Researchers found that mint activates anti-pain channels in the colon and reduces inflammation.

So, how do you use herbs to turbocharge your health? The first thing to say is those ancient jars of dried herbs that you may have at the back of a kitchen cupboard, the ones that smell (and taste) like dust, probably aren’t going to do it. In the same way that fruits and vegetables lose their vitamins with storage, so too herbs are most powerful at their freshest.

According to a report by the University of Krakow, drying herbs reduces their vitamin and mineral content considerably, with water-soluble vitamins such as B and C especially affected. Alternatives include freeze-dried, frozen, fresh cut, and fresh potted. Freeze-dried and frozen are convenient, but for the best nutritional bang for your buck, go for fresh cut or potted.


To decide between potted or bagged, it can help to consider which family they come from. The carrot family includes parsley, dill, and tricky coriander. None of these are likely to regrow once you have removed the leaves, so you may have to bin them. Buying ready-cut, sold in bunches or bags, may therefore be a better option.

The mint family includes mint, basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, and sage. These are tougher and will continue to grow if you avoid cutting whole branches off from the base and instead pinch off leaves higher up. Potted versions will last best if you don’t employ a nuclear winter approach and strip them of all leaves. Keep enough leaves for the plant to generate energy to keep growing.

Chives, from the onion family, and tarragon from the lettuce family will work potted or cut.


There is an obvious problem with fresh herbs, often bought from a supermarket – they tend to die on you. That lush bush of basil or coriander you put in your basket turns into a sad, wilted mess of limp yellowing, or blackened leaves. James Seymour from The Fresh Herb Company is sympathetic. ‘Coriander in particular is very temperamental,’ he admits.

According to Seymour, the most common mistake we all make when buying and storing fresh herbs is over-watering and not keeping them warm enough. Basil or rosemary come from countries with a Mediterranean climate. Sticking either in a saucer of water on a draughty UK windowsill is the quick way to kill them. Rule one: keep the soil relatively dry. Rule two: keep them above 10 degrees.


Treat them like cut flowers. ‘Stick them in a mug of water on the fridge door next to the milk,’ suggests Seymour.


Parsley has more vitamin C in it, gram for gram, than most citrus fruits. It is therefore a fantastic immune booster. 2 tablespoons of fresh, chopped parsley also contains 150% of your RDA of vitamin K, which is important for bone health. It is a source of both vitamin A and folate. The latter is especially important for pregnant women or those trying for a baby as this has been shown to reduce the incidence of spina bifida in babies.

Parsley is a diuretic, which means it helps you get rid of unwanted water, so could help with bloating. It is known to be an anti-inflammatory and is a traditional remedy for symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

How to use it:
Parsley tea can taste a bit ‘grassy’, so the fresh herb is best added to soups and sauces. Chopped into bulgar wheat, it is the dominant flavor in Middle Eastern tabouleh.

Basil is packed full of flavonoids, which have been shown to protect cells from chromosomal damage. The two key flavenoids in basil are orientin and vicenin and both have been shown to reduce cell damage from radiation, aka sunlight, so protect the skin from photo aging. With its high vitamin C content as well, basil is therefore a good anti-ager for those who like the sun.

Basil also contains iron, for energy and healthy blood, and magnesium, which is a muscle relaxant, often called ‘nature’s tranquilizer’. Traditionally, basil has been used to treat colds and fevers, stomach pains (because of its anti-spasmodic effect), and flatulence.

How to use it:
Can be used in savory dishes such as soups and sauces, as well as famously chopped into fresh pesto. Also works really well torn and sprinkled over fresh strawberries.

Coriander contains a huge range of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, and folate, which help give us energy. Add in iron, which makes hemoglobin carry oxygen around the body in red blood cells, and you have a general tonic effect.

Coriander is also believed to reduce both cholesterol and blood pressure but is most well known for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects. If you have had a gippy tummy from a foreign trip or home-grown food poisoning, it could help. Coriander is believed to have anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory actions, meaning it could reduce symptoms of allergy from eczema or hay fever.

How to use it:
Most commonly seen in Asian cuisines, coriander makes a great addition to a Thai stir-fry or stirred into an Indian curry right at the end.

Traditionally used as a digestive, mint helps break down fat, so could improve digestion. Chewing on the leaves or making tea also releases menthol which is a decongestant, so a natural remedy for a stuffy nose. It could also help relieve nausea and headaches.

Mint is high in vitamin C, important for good brain function and healthy skin, vitamin A, a potent antioxidant, and manganese. This helps fat and protein metabolism, another reason mint is a good digestive.

How to use it:
Make tea by steeping the leaves in boiling water, chopping, and stirring into fresh peas, or salad. Mix into yogurt and chopped cucumber to make Indian Riaita.

Not only potent in taste, rosemary has also been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer, by blocking some of the unhealthy effects of estrogen in the body. This makes it particularly useful for those with a family history of female cancer or who have had a scare themselves.

Rosemary contains a long list of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, which is important for skin healing, and two phenolics, caffeic acid, and rosemaries acid. These are anti-inflammatory, so may help inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Rosemary has an anti-bacterial effect that has made rosemary tea a traditional remedy for sore throat.

How to use it:
Rosemary goes really well with meat, especially with lamb, where it has a semi-preservative effect. Natural oils also help you digest saturated fats.


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